RE-OPENING JAN 10✨ Have a blessed holiday season!


It's a cold morning here in Tasmania and I find myself sitting here with the heat on, doubling down on socks and sipping a chai (some might say I'm addicted)
I've been thinking about "my story' and how I got here, to this little (and very beautiful) part of the world all the way from Lake Louise, Canada where our label was born. 
Through triumph and trial, it's been a collaboration of calm and chaos and so many wonderful chapters weaved in between. You see the thing is, without both sides of the story, it wouldn't make sense. In fact right here, on the 2nd of June, my story is still being written - what about yours?
When we created our custom jewellery many moons ago, I wanted to press into giving space for you to tell your own story. 
Whether it's a simple initial of someone you adore, a phrase, scripture or verse that has pulled you through or a word that refreshes you, they all tell a story. 
Our Journey necklace is a blank canvas ready to be written on. 
We can take your child's handwriting (yours, or a loved one too…) and etch it onto this small square - A real node to the famous E.E. Cummings “I carry your heart, I carry it with me” or engrave your message on a sweet little ring like our Signature (shown below) - a perfect-for-everyday-wear-piece.
So, when you're ready - let's design it together. I can't wait to see what you share!
Be blessed,

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